Take cards on the go using Intuit Pay. Intuit Pay enables you to securely accept credit and debit card payments anywhere using your smart phone, iPad or computer. Face to face sales are processed using an Intuit Pay card reader and your mobile device. Intuit Pay also allows you to process payments from no-chip cards….
Read moreIs QuickBooks accounting software, the best bookkeeping package for SME businesses? Well on QuickBooks training sessions, I’m often asked the question: ‘Do I actually prefer QuickBooks or another accounting software programme.’ I always recommend QuickBooks accounting software, but why? Well, here are my top 5 reasons why you should choose QuickBooks over other accounting….
Read moreQuickBooks for charities? Why is it so popular? QuickBooks as long been a popular accounting program for the charity sector. So when it comes to accounting software many state that it’s QuickBooks for Charities everytime. QuickBooks is used widely by both Charities and Not for Profit organisations. It is often selected by recommendation from a contact….
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