QuickBooks Edit : QuickBooks Void : QuickBooks Delete

So when should you do a QuickBooks Edit , QuickBooks Void or QuickBooks Delete?

QuickBooks is noted for being user friendly but in the wrong hands it can be a dangerous weapon.

 All these functions exist in QuickBooks. Settings are available to protect against  changes which can impact on Vat Quarters or Year ends.

This video clip introduces the concepts of Void , Edit , Delete. to start you thinking about how you can optimise your QuickBooks processes and consider the policies / procedures  you can adopt as a business to protect your QuickBooks file.

When taking action consider the impact on

a) Your VAT return

b) Your Bank Reconcile

c) Your year end figures

With over 10 years experience of training QuickBooks users , including users of older versions which had less protection Katara can help you to make the best use of your accounting software.


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